Ben Borgman
“Houston, We Have a Problem”: The Need to Raise Up Disciple-Making Leaders
In some form or another, we’ve all likely felt the pressure and stress of not having enough help or leaders in ministry. As real as those feelings are, what if the solution is not just MORE people and leaders, but more of the right kind of leader? Our discipleship efforts should be a critical component of filling our churches with disciple-making leaders. In this session, we will explore what a disciple-making leader is, discuss the urgency we should have in raising them up as part of our discipleship process, and how you can begin raising them up where you serve.
Adam Erlichman
4 Issues with Discipleship Today
When it comes to any topic regarding a church, there can tend to be issues. Discipleship in today’s church faces unique challenges. What are they? In this class we will identify four major, often-unnoticed issues with discipleship in the American Church today and offer clear solutions to begin practicing at an individual level.
Ashley Bailey
Connecting Young Families to Your Church
Mothers today feel more isolated than ever, even as they actively seek community. As the most influential figures in shaping a child’s faith, moms face challenges, including declining church attendance and a sense of irrelevance, with 89% feeling unsupported. Join us as we explore insights from our Motherhood Today Barna study, discussing how churches can create supportive communities that empower mothers as faith leaders and recognize their impact on families.
Doug Vaughan
Devoted to Prayer
In these complex and chaotic days, many remain faithful to Christ while battling weariness. Drawing from Paul’s directive to “devote yourselves to prayer” in Colossians 4:2, we’ll explore the call to pray, our confidence in prayer, and practical tools for strengthening our prayer life. Join us for both teaching and actual prayer practice as we learn to set our minds on things above.
Penny Lamberth
Sharing Your Faith at Work: How to Witness in a Secular Culture
Come learn practical tips on sharing your faith in the workplace. You will walk away with ideas on how to identify yourself as a Christian with your coworkers, how to be available when your coworkers need support and how to bridge the gap between spending time with coworkers and getting them into your church environment.
Kat Khal Halse
Engaging Your City: How to Begin Reaching the Vulnerable in Your Backyard with the Gospel
Engaging with your city in an empowering and dignifying way can feel complicated or even impossible. Where do you start? How do you know what your city’s needs are? We’ll discuss empowering poverty alleviation methods and the best first steps to begin engaging your city!
Mark Clifton
Prescriptions for a Revived Church
Discover the key reasons that churches experience a drastic decline and learn how God determines to reverse that decline and give these churches the best future they’ve ever had.