Ben Borgman
“Houston, We Have a Problem”: The Need to Raise Up Disciple-Making Leaders
In some form or another, we’ve all likely felt the pressure and stress of not having enough help or leaders in ministry. As real as those feelings are, what if the solution is not just MORE people and leaders, but more of the right kind of leader? Our discipleship efforts should be a critical component of filling our churches with disciple-making leaders. In this session, we will explore what a disciple-making leader is, discuss the urgency we should have in raising them up as part of our discipleship process, and how you can begin raising them up where you serve.

Adam Erlichman
5 Ways to Discover New Volunteers
How do you find new volunteers? Where? When? Are there any volunteers who can serve in your ministry area? In this session, you will discover 5 proven strategies (and maybe more) to identify and connect with potential volunteers who are likely in your church right now!

Joe Taylor
Intro to Pastoral Care
Pastoral care is the art of ministry as it relates to the psychological, emotional, cognitive, and spiritual needs of those we encounter. Learn to consider a person’s story, to ask effective diagnostic questions, to identify key details to listen for and to create healing plans for individuals and families. We’ll address key issues including depression, anxiety, processing, self-care, anger, grief, and marriage. You’ll gain confidence in analyzing needs, offering initial diagnoses, and providing meaningful help when someone seeks pastoral guidance. The class includes helpful resources like our “Pastoral Care” policy and the Pastor’s Guide Sheet called “A Theology of Suffering. All participants will receive both digital and printed copies of materials used in the session.

Cody Kimmel and Aaron Dailey
Family: The Secret Ingredient to Church and Spiritual Growth
Throughout Scripture, God has worked through families to advance His redemptive mission. Yet in our discipleship strategies, we often overlook the vital role family plays in spiritual growth. What if a key ingredient for both spiritual and church growth was closer to home than we realized? Join Cody Kimmel, Executive Director of Grace Based Families, along with Aaron Dailey as they unpack how cultivating strong families fuels both church growth and God’s mission in the world. 

Scott Lamberth
“I Identify As…”
The search for identity has become confusing and seemingly unending.  This is even more apparent in teens and 20 somethings. In this workshop, we’ll explore the history behind our current approach to identity development in western culture and be reminded of the hope of the gospel in reclaiming our God-given identity.  If you work with teens or young adults, this will give you much needed perspective on the challenges they are facing and how God can help.

Mike Schmidt
The Weighty Worship Leader                
Worship leaders often underestimate the influence they exercise over a community of worshipers. They don’t simply “lead songs”; they, in fact, shape both the corporate and personal worship habits of the church. In this session, we’ll consider how to lead worship with proper “weight” by the way we select songs, structure worship sets, and integrate God’s Word.

Mark Clifton
Diagnosis of a Declining Church
Struggling churches throughout North America must recognize the characteristics of a declining church. By diagnosing a declining church, you will see the common themes in churches that desperately need an invigoration of new life.